Fasting NT

Scripture Reading - Matthew 9:14-17 KJV

14 Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?
15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.
16 No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.
17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.

As we continue our conversation about “Fasting” we are taking today’s lesson from the New Testament. Our previous lesson we spoke about avoiding selfishness when choosing the “fast” that the Lord has chosen according to the teaching in the Old Testament. The reason we are speaking in terms of Old Testament and New Testament is because “fasting” shifted when Jesus came to the earth. Now we can openly and honestly say that “fasting” as a habit or religious obligation is no longer encouraged by God as it was in the Old Testament. Apparently under the Old Covenant the Pharisees had a practice of “fasting” on a regular basis to fulfill their religious duties. We see in Luke 18:11a,12a KJV that it was insinuated that a certain Pharisees stated, “I fast twice in the week”. This type of thinking was to keep the body under through the regular denial of food. It was presumed that if you could disciple (discipline) the body by denying certain meals you were considered more spiritual simply because you followed a strict religious regiment. Many thought that doing religious works brought you into more favor with God because (they were taught) The Lord was pleased with the physical sacrifices of men to gain more spiritual insight with God. However, under the New Covenant between our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus we are not supposed to “fast” any more for the purpose of gaining more favor with God. No, dear faith friend, our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ love us just the way we are. Jesus gave us favor with God through His death, burial and resurrection so it is not necessary for us to try performing more physical and mental sacrifices outside of His sacrifices that were already done. Since we have the Holy Spirit, our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus within us it would be ridiculous to think that thinking about not eating (fasting) a for certain time could bring us any more closer to God than we already are. Knowing He is always inside of us looking to heal, help and guide in our everyday life. Our Heavenly Father loves us greatly and no works of “fasting” will ever change that. “Fasting” does not move the hand or God, nor the Heart of God, because love, faith and an accurate understanding of God’s Word will move God on your behalf every time. At best “fasting” may help line you up with God but if your heart isn’t right in understanding the Ways of God nothing spiritually significant will happen before or while doing a “fast”. Remember, we previously stated in the “Fasting OT” document that “fasting” should not be all about you, no selfish motivation. Secondly, we see in this context of scripture that Jesus said I Am bringing you a new way of “fasting”. This new way of “Fasting” is more about a lifestyle than a scheduled habit. In essence what the Lord Jesus was stating is that when the disciples were in His company they have no earthly or godly reason to pull aside and “fast” to get more of Jesus or inquire about what God is speaking to the church today or what is God saying to them individually. Think about it, during the ministry of Jesus Christ the disciples with food in their mouth could easily ask the Lord about His thoughts (His Will) on certain topics, specific conditions and even future events coming up later. Remember during the Lord’s Supper the disciples were eating, talking and asking Jesus questions without any reservation because Our Good God is always approachable. The Lord Jesus never ignored such questions nor any request for more knowledge He gladly gave them the answers they sought with added insight (revelation) to help them understand what was going on with men and God concerning His perfect will. Thus, we are to practice this same principle in the New Testament (under the New Covenant). Hence, the message for us today is when you are close to Jesus concerning your fellowship and have direction from God’s Heart (His Love and confirmation in His Word) you don’t need to “fast”. Remember “fasting” doesn’t change God’s Mind, nor will it change God’s Heart unless your “fasting” is a result of changing your ways and your thinking, like what happen in Nineveh at the preaching of Jonah.-Jonah 3:4-10 God spoke to the king of Nineveh through the Prophet Jonah and their physical “fasting” came as a result of their spiritual repentance. We shouldn’t “fast” to know more about God’s Will because God’s Word is the perfect place to grow in the knowledge of God to understand God’s Will. The reason we see in the scripture shared above is that when believers don’t sense God’s Presence in their life or they are looking for clarity of God’s Will then they have a good reason to “fast”. Now this means on the practical side that the “faster”, you for example, must be willing to get into God’s Word during the “fast” to grow in the knowledge of God’s Will because certainly when you draw near unto God He will most definitely draw near unto you according to James 4:8a. Likewise if you felt more carnal and dissatisfied with your present condition “fasting” in God’s Word might be able to get across to you that feelings are not the presence we should follow because God is with us always even unto the end of the age.- Matthew 28:18-20 Once you received that revelation plus the truth that praise invites the more pronounced Presence of God you could have your answer. Thus, the “fast” ends on that knowledge. In that specific case you needed the knowledge of God’s Will which you could have gotten without missing a meal just spending adequate time with God. This is why we teach all disciples of God to be led in their decision to “fast” and don’t practice “fasting” as a habit (or religious duty) which many false religions still hold fast to today. Yes, “fasting” can serve a divine purpose when you need some more insight from God but you must realize that you could be totally and completely full of God by living a “fasted” lifestyle so that you never need regular intervals of “fasting”. Just know, our dear faith friend, when you are spending adequate time with God and hearing on a consistence basis the Voice of God via the Holy Word of God “fasting” loses its significance. However, if God seems distant to you or you know in your heart that you ought to be spending more time with God in His Word and in His Praises by all means “fast” unto your Heavenly Father in Jesus Name because we are on earth to glorify our Great God in Heaven so that all see Him, not just our good works. Amen!